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Stream Courses
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Description of Assessment Series Courses
Field Techniques for Stream Assessment
Presents a suite of inventory techniques and assessment methodologies used
to evaluate and monitor physical, chemical, and biological stream
conditions. Introduces the purpose and function of individual
methodologies, field equipment, and data collection protocols. Format:
classroom and field exercise. Can be customized as a five-day training
in a particular technique or methodology. Designed for:
managers and personnel whose duties require field work or resource
monitoring. Length: 3 days
Rosgen Stream Classification System
Provides a detailed introduction to the purpose, function and components of
Dave Rosgen's channel classification system. Covers delineation
criteria, and the four inventory and assessment levels of the system. Format:
classroom exercise in preparation for field activities. Participants
receive and use a copy of Rosgen's book Applied River Morphology.
Length: 3 days
Diagnosis and Prescription
Evaluation and assessment are important in all stages of stream protection,
restoration, planning and design. This course offers brief overview of
fluvial processes, hydrology and hydraulics, followed by: watershed and stream
assessment techniques; identifying problems, needs and restoration
opportunities; prioritizing restoration efforts; developing restoration
strategies. Emphasis on cost-effective, practicable approaches. Format:
classroom and field format. Intended for: those involved with
design and implementation programs or projects. Length: 3